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Productivity (Shenzhen) Consulting Company Limited, a subsidiary of Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC), is an extension of our Hong Kong services to Shenzhen and related areas. This extended company was built upon HKPC´s integrated and streamlined services offered to Hong Kong industry and commercial sectors in the past over 30 years. With local government support and over 600 well-trained HKPC professionals and Shenzhen experts, the company will integrate the resources of both Hong Kong and Shenzhen to construct platforms for regional technologies and professional services. Through the platforms, the company will offer comprehensive and high quality assistance to improve productivity and enhance international competitiveness for both the enterprises and the PRD region as a whole.

Core Program Areas:
Manufacturing Technology
Environmental Technology
Information Technology
Management Systems Technology

Service Models:
Contract-based products design, R&D and trial production
New technology promotion, commercialization, and raising capital
Consulting and intelligence service
In-house training and public training
Exhibition and study mission
Conference, seminars, and workshop

Contact Us
Tel : 0086-755-86156932
Fax : 0086-755-86168822


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