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GCC is affiliated to the German Economy Association EAST-BRIDGE founded in 1998 and focused on the development of mutual economical relations between Germany and Middle- and East-Europe, has enlarged their activities since 2002 to further also the economical relations to China.
The GCC serves as German-Chinese business incubator for Small and Medium Size Enterprises (SME) of both countries in order to make the market entrance easier and to support mutual business contacts and co-operations. The focal activities refer to the care of a company pool with several members who intend to enter the foreign markets. Multiple offers of services are available, as information-services, mediation of contacts, arrangements for co-operation, marketing actions, company presentations, market analysis and business plans, support on projects and business operations, setup of branch offices and agencies.

The GCC welcomes companies of both countries which are busy in the fields of economy, trading, manufacturing, IT, engineering and design, environmental protection, especially in hi-tech or future technological applications. Moreover the GCC further and promote the mutual exchange of scientists and experts, teachers and students as well as organize conventions and events focused on social development and health care fields. Mutual partnerships of schools, universities and public organizations and institutions shall be arranged.

In the International Business Platform of SHIP the GCC has the function of a business incubator with the following missions and targets:
- organization of co-operation travels and entrepreneur meetings between Germany and
- individual care and representation of interests of German institutions and enterprises in Shenzhen
- Setup and operations of a virtual communication and co-operation platform in Internet
- preparation and performance of projects in the scopes of economy, technology, education and culture



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