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The French nation is the cradle of a centuries-old history and a brilliant culture, which are well known all over the world. The Chinese and French peoples have established a profound friendship, and the two countries have been maintaining close exchanges and cooperation in the fields of science & technology, cultures & arts, IT, energy resources, and environmental protection. Vienne is located in the mid-west of France, a fascinating world composed of beautiful landscapes, centuries-old historic sites, advanced high technologies, and convenient public transportation. Vienne and Shenzhen, ever since the establishment of sister city relationships in 1994, have carried out a variety of successful exchanges and cooperation in the fields of economy, cultures, science & technologies, education, environmental protection, etc. In addition, the Congress and some enterprises of Vienne have attended 5 Shenzhen Hi-tech Fairs consecutively, obtaining substantial achievements.

Service Scope of: China for the Vienne Council France
1. To help boost the investments and cooperation between France and China, and between Vienne and Shenzhen, in the fields of economics & trade, science & technologies, cultures & education, and environmental protection, enterprises, etc.
2. To promote the exchanges and activities, between France and China, in the fields of cultures & arts, and education.
3. To provide partnership enterprises with services concerning business, law, information, and so on; to help Chinese enterprises with French VISA applications and provide them with the consultation service concerned.
4. To provide exchange activities of science & technologies, cultures, and business on a regular basis.
5. To provide visiting French enterprises (Vienne) to Shenzhen with business services needed.

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