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TECOM Investment develops and manages businesses that support the growth of knowledge-based industries. Presently, TECOM has interests in five industry clusters: information and communication technology (ICT), media, education, biotechnology, and energy. TECOM's first brand, Dubai Internet City, was established in October 2000 to support and develop a cluster for the ICT sector. Dubai Media City for the media cluster, and Knowledge Village for the education cluster, were set up in January, 2001 and October, 2003, respectively.

The phenomenal success of the publishing and broadcasting segments of the media cluster at Dubai Media City led to the launch of more specialized projects: International Media Production Zone (IMPZ) and Dubai Studio City. To harness value from the burgeoning business process outsourcing sector, TECOM launched Dubai Outsource Zone (DOZ) in March 2004. Dubai's contribution to the life sciences area is the Dubai Biotechnology and Research Park (DuBiotech).

After successfully establishing knowledge-based industry clusters in Dubai, TECOM looked at international investments to diversify its portfolio. In a joint venture with Sama Dubai, its sister company in the Dubai Holding group, TECOM Investments started SmartCity, a company that develops business townships for knowledge-based industries across the world. Recently SmartCity signed an agreement with Government of Malta to develop SmartCity Malta, a state-of-the-art business township for knowledge-based industries like ICT and media. It also signed an agreement with the government of the southern Indian state of Kerala to start SmartCity Kochi. Both will be part of a global network of knowledge-based industry townships that SmartCity seeks to create.

Last year, TECOM, along with Dubai Investment Group, its sister company in the Dubai Holding group, acquired a 35% stake in Tunisie Telecom and a 60% stake in Malta´ s Maltacom, both leading telecom carriers in their respective countries. TECOM has also invested in Axiom, the largest mobile distributor in the Middle East, and Interoute, a next generation IP network connecting together most countries in Europe.

TEL:0755- 26017782
FAX: 0755- 26017782


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